Zoro x TV Anime

Zoro (Zoroto, Zorotv) is a place where you can watch free anime because it is free.

Our site has a vast collection of anime both in English subbed and dubbed as well. All Anime shows and episodes are in HD quality.

What is ZoroxTV anime ?

We have moved to new site please bookmark this as there are many fake clones. An ads free experience to the visitors so users can watch anime episodes without interruptions. Our commitment is to never compromise on quality and always provide HD quality episodes. We also have option for users to download any anime episode. Here are a few key things which makes our site better:

  • No advertisments and signup is required
  • Anime Videos are in HD
  • Anime episodes are available in English and Japanese
  • Hard and Soft subtitles
  • Option to Download episodes

No advertisments and signup is required

All other website have ads and this is what makes our site easy to use. We do not have advertisements of any kind and you can watch and search with no trouble.

Anime Videos are in HD

All of our Anime episodes are in full HD quality so that our Anime fans can enjoy and watch crispy episodes.

Anime episodes are available in English and Japanese

We do provide anime in multi languages so in that way users can pick according to the region.

Hard and Soft subtitles

Our anime episodes are both in hard sub and soft sub for all users so that users can pick according to the country and language.

Option to Download episodes

We provide an option which is very important for Anime fan that is to download an episode in HD. This is an option we provide so that our anime fans can enjoy offline Anime as well.

Zoro TV